Wintersailing UK: other risks than you might imagine

Foul weather approaching the UK from the West. Typical autumn/winter storm, hitting above 50 knots (Beaufort 10+). Weather map from

I have previously written about a few of risks that may arise when winter sailing in the UK. You might already imagine the foul weather, the fog, worn-out boats, too much traffic and even missile shootings.

Here is another possible risk, as The Guardian informs of an unexploded WWII bomb found right in the mouth of the harbour where I sailed this winter season. The harbour I left from is the far one to the right on the aeral photo in the article. The bomb, weighing half a ton (over thousand pounds), was found by a dredging barge - there were several of them at work when I was returning to the harbour.

Fortunately or not, I missed the explosion carried out by the Royal Navy. The dredging works will continue, and I might catch the reason for them (HMS Queen Elizabeth) in the spring if I'm back there during that time, which is not highly probable but who will ever know?

I did however catch a glimpse of HMS Iron Duke and HMS Severn under way. Here you go :)

HMS Severn dead ahead!

HMS Iron Duke, smokin'